How to emotionally deal with a bad luck trigger

1,5 minute read
·Experiencing a bad luck trigger
On a saturday afternoon I was creating the monthly newsletter for my business. As usual, I was late and only started working on it when the month had almost passed. So why did I procrastinate? Well I was busy with things I thought were more important. Yet, I was on track releasing it in April. But then my worst nightmare became reality … My laptop, a.k.a my life, decided to just not work anymore. Anxiety went through the roof. All my plans and to-do list stagnated and well, so did the newsletter.
How I emotionally deal with a bad luck trigger
As I sat on my couch staring at the empty wall I asked myself; what now? Luckily I have had these moments that seem like destruction in the moment more often and due to my self-awareness I know how to deal with it. I started by journaling in FyT on what happened and how it made me feel, this calmed me down. Also, doing this will let FyT find triggers that I can eventually process and find out the root cause of why I got anxious in the first place. Then I implemented a little bit of stoicism, what is in my control? And so I made a to-do list of things I could actually do to solve the problem. Then instead of ruminating on what went wrong I took action and finished my to-do list. In two hours I turned the situation from I just want to cope with tv and pizza to actually it’s not that bad and I’ll get through this. Now my laptop is in repair and I managed to loan a replacement until it is back.
I hope my story may inspire you to work on your self-awareness or just as a comedic relief to make your day.